Hell of an adventure, id reckon. I saw Friendly Fires and The XX for the 2nd time, only this time was more of a journey, as we, umm, journeyed to Boston for the gig. Four or five hours is how long it takes to get there , which is a bit of a daunting excursion but once you arrive at the venue, order a redbull and vodka, and maybe 3 or 4 beers, you start to get psyched. While we were eatin and drinking we saw the members of The XX walk in, and saw the guitarist for Friendly fires hanging out as well. The venue was intimate, and the show was intense. Ed brought his guitar down into the crowd and partyed with all of us, just before he hopped back on stage and took apart his microphone stand and beat it with some percussion instruments, specifically a moraca. Brilliant!
My phone captures some amazing shots, as it has a 5 mega pixel camera, which is 3 more than my old blackberry(RIP) had. Heres what i snapped.
A massive Cheers goes out to Matt for driving both there and back like a champion. Fucking A.

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