...a skate video, NAY, a skate-tour-video comes a long and raises an eyebrow or two. The folks over at Anti-Hero have teamed up with the lads from Girl to present a tour video of epic proportions. "Beauty And The Beast" provies some classic raw skating and raw living. It makes you want to go out and skate, and thats what i love in a video, when they have fun, and make YOU want to go out and get your own fun. This video contains some of the most insane concrete park footage you'll ever see. We all know the dudes at Anti-Hero kill it, but the Girl dudes stepped up and impressed me with there transition skills. Rick McCrank is a killer, an absoluet killer. I can sit here and go through names and names but I'll just say pick it up and watch it...or view it on youtube, either way, scope it for yourself.
Frank Gerwer...pure entertainment. Proud to say he lived on Long Island, NY.