Well, today was a fine day indeed. On this day, Columbus day, Christopher and I travelled to Brooklyn to skateboard with our dear friend David. Upon our arrival, who did we see pushing down the block across the street from us? Well, it was non other then Bobby Puleo! We gave him a stare, and he stared back. No fanning out here, he puts his trousers on one leg at a time just like me. Anyways, we met up with David after a quick visit to Dan King's apartment. We skated under the B.Q.E. because somebody built boxes and banks to shred. Nice! Afterwards we headed to the park near the Ikea Plaza for more funtimes. Here are some wank shots i took during the course of the day. Make sure to visit my mate David's blog, as he is pure class.


NO! ah well your next my friend. today was a riot! we should make this a weekly thing...
ReplyDelete...wait, I don't get it. Make me understand what happened. you're speaking in riddles. Everything on this blog has made complete sense up to this point. I mean Al borland and some simpsons character in front of a nuclear explosion. That makes sense to me. skate-boarding?! Brooklyn?! Bobby Puleo? What are these things?
ReplyDeleteYeah, my words are confusing to those without the wizardry of a mad man and the sanity of an apple. Wait...what?