Monday, May 31, 2010


Jackpot!! Free polaroids! Hooked up by Chris Doyle. Cheers!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Working for the weekend

BBQ and garage work. I did more chilling than working. Actually I just chilled. It was rad.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Turtles - Elenore

this song has the most massive chorus. honest!

The state of things

What can I say? I'm at faddy malones, alone, on a Friday night. I'm nursing a broken heart. Marisa broke up with me, and then she saw me kiss a girl at a party and got very angry. Misunderstandings? Not on the same page? I don't know, all I do know is I wish her well and I'm always open to a chat. I'd buy her a drink. But I sit Here at faddy malones and I realize this place is a second home of sorts. Everything good, bad and indifferent has happened to me here.I got drunk enough to throw up, I made out with a girl walking her home years ago, I broke a chair standing on top of it and I did karaoke here as well. I met people I diddnt want to meet and people I diddnt mind meeting, and the one thing that remains is no matter how much I laugh it dislike faddys, ill always enjoy my time spent here. And I hope it doesn't Ho out it business because its a home for the hopeless romantic like myself. If marisa ever read this I would hope that she understands how I feel and we can move on as adults. This rambling has come to a conclusion, if you read this please comment and give me your thoughts. Anonymous is fine with me. I'm a good lad, just lacking in confidence, give me a break, right? I don't know. I think I'm going to learn how to play the guitar, I need something to focus on.I don't know.
Cheers internetz.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill

This is amazing. Great performance of the song Melancholy Hill off of the Gorillaz new LP "Plastic Beach". Look at Damon, he's very much into the music he creates its fantastic. Along side him is former members of The Clash, Paul and Mick.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The day before my birthday...

I buy a scratch off with the winning numbers 5 and 13, the month and day of my birthday...and I win! Only 10 bucks but ill take any small victory I can get...yay.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's over.

Good while it lasted? Heaven knows I'm miserable now.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fall 2005

I don't know why but I love this photo. Maybe because its such an accurate snapshot of time. In 2005 I graduated from high school. It was the year I decided to start growing my hair longer, calm down with punk and start listening to indie and all that hip stuff. Fuck. I remember going to nassau and hating it...then liking it. My art classes were great. Met some losers, some cool kids and all the rest in between. What can I say now? I'm still skating, still trying to be creative, keeping it weird. Enjoying lifestyle vices, trying to keep a girlfriend and move up at work. Aint so bad, right? If I can only get a BMW 330.....


You don't have to believe in anything, I know I don't, but if you're gonna....

Soldered brimley.

This guys I'm the telly at the bar. Legend!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Ra ra ra ra ra chomp chomp chomp I am Justin bieberz gimme your money Yall, lol, k?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010