Well, the weekend is basicly over, but it was a cracker for sure. Saturday's NY RedBulls game at Giants Stadium was brilliant, as we had front row tickets. Alas NY lost 5 to 4. On the way to the match Brian told me the proper way to use an Oxford Comma, as the Vampire Weekend song sparked a mini debate on the topic. Brian used this sentence as an example:
" The store is out of candy; bullshit."
After the match i made my way to Matt's house, he was having a little party for his return home from school for a few days. As you can see, there are no photos from this shindig. Sorry, got a wee bit too drunk.
As for Sunday's escapades, i'll just run a list of the mini adventures.
- Mall trip.
- skate the parking garage of the mall. Rain ruined the skate day.
- trip to the beach to smoke a Danny O rolled blunt. The fog was awesome all over the beach.
- Pizza party back at Matt's house.
- Trip to get Ice Cream.
- back to Danny's place to watch It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
- Finally, a bowl was smoked in Danny's car, in the rain. After this we called it a night.
Good stuff.