Monday, September 29, 2008

It's the freakin' weekend baby ima bout' to have me some fun.

Well, the weekend is basicly over, but it was a cracker for sure. Saturday's NY RedBulls game at Giants Stadium was brilliant, as we had front row tickets. Alas NY lost 5 to 4. On the way to the match Brian told me the proper way to use an Oxford Comma, as the Vampire Weekend song sparked a mini debate on the topic. Brian used this sentence as an example:

" The store is out of candy; bullshit."

After the match i made my way to Matt's house, he was having a little party for his return home from school for a few days. As you can see, there are no photos from this shindig. Sorry, got a wee bit too drunk.

As for Sunday's escapades, i'll just run a list of the mini adventures.
  • Mall trip.

  • skate the parking garage of the mall. Rain ruined the skate day.

  • trip to the beach to smoke a Danny O rolled blunt. The fog was awesome all over the beach.

  • Pizza party back at Matt's house.

  • Trip to get Ice Cream.

  • back to Danny's place to watch It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

  • Finally, a bowl was smoked in Danny's car, in the rain. After this we called it a night.

Good stuff.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cheers, Jim!

We were getting worried.
If you watched the season premier of The Office, you get it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Okay, Okay. Christopher Carbaugh and I had a day of adventure, without our brother Danny O, who is a wee bit under the weather. Had a drive to Gino Iannucci's shop Poets, purchased a fine t-shirt of there establishment, and chatted with the lads. Then we headed to Long Beach for some park sessions. Of course there was a much needed Burger King sesh involved too.
We ended the day chilling on the beach, as i searched for dead ocean life to take photos of, in the style of a Mr. Ed Templeton. No skate photos, just photo's of me gaying out at the beach. LOL NO HOMO LOLzZzZzZ,

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Boards, Burger King, blunts, bro's, beach.

Title says it all really.
The new enjoi deck i set up is working out brilliantly.
Also Liverpool took out Manchester United 2-1 on the 13th Saturday.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Mailman brings the shred stick

Ah! The UPS gentleman has just knocked on my door to give me my new Enjoi deck i ordered.

Maximum Gnarltitude. Finally a Louie Barletta deck in a 7.8 size. Pink Elephants? Just my steez.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Brooklyn clowns.

While skating a manual pad somwhere in brooklyn heights, during a block party, a woman dressed as a clown walked on by. Dan Unger and i rushed up to her as she was entering her apartment and took a photo with her. CLOWNFARMER. My only regret is that its a phone pic, but its sketchy just like this blog. Also a nice dude BBQing at the block party gave me, dan, dan, and carbaugh chicken. That was awesome. I skated with 3, count em' 3 Dannys today. Ended the evening with a massive Burger King feast.
Class in a glass.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Don Lafontaine - King of Voiceovers -dies at 68

The movie trailer man himself, Don Lafontaine has passed away at the age of 68. You may not know of the name, but you definately know of his voice.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Brooklyn, Bros, Bloody Elbows!

Awesome day of shredding. We finally made it out to Brooklyn (which isnt that far, i think we're lazy?), to meet up with Dan King. Carbaugh, myself, Mathew and Danny O crusied the streets of Brooklyn guided by Dan King and our new bro Dave, who was brilliant on a board and a brilliant dude off a board. We cruised the bridge into Manhattan to meet up with Ben and skate some ill spots and the L.E.S. park. Of course we had to have a crucial stop in Burger King. Ah yeahhhhh boy, ahhh yeahhh! Suck on some shite photos i know that you love i upload. I think there in the reverse order of the days events but whatever its funny.