Monday, March 31, 2008

I swear i'll try to stop ripping off enjoi ads....i promise

Its hard to stop ripping off enjoi skateboards magazine ads and overall style. i just couldnt help myself when i thought of this corny play on ted Danson's name. im sure its been thought of before but....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dear, England national team....

get your shit together. seriously.

1 nil to France?

fucking hell.

over 40 years of hurt.

pull it together.

3 lions.

teach em a lesson

let them know.....

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Remember the dude who wanted you to buy his book on tv at like 2:00a.m.?

his name was mathew Lesko. what a clownfarmer he is! he should be my spokesman... maybe.....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

what you got for me young blood?

Matt's cat was old, fat and sluggish. The one thing he always had energy for, was taking our fast food. Heres a classic shot of him reaching for the stars. R.I.P. Tigger.

I never tire of this....never ever.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mozzarella Swastikas

Got some fly ass tickets to see Adam Green at Town Hall, NYC, May 10th. for those without knowledge of his lyrical and comical prowess, do pop by his website,
get your indie hipster shade son and join in on the fun.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

may 13th....something will happen. vague enough?

enjoi extravaganza

so yeah i made this fine image as a tribute to the skateboard ads from enjoi.
also i love tony danza.
do i really?
no way!
yes way!dude! your totally bro'ing my mind!